ICS can register and form any type of entity, including corporations, LLC’s, limited partnerships, or any other state approved entity type, including for-profit and non-profit entities. We also serve as your dedicated Registered Agent.
Registered Agent Service
Every corporation, LLC, or Limited Partnership must have a registered agent (also known as a “resident agent,” “statutory agent” or “agent of process”) in their state of formation, and in any state the company qualifies to do business in. The registered agent ensures you receive all important legal documents such as service of process (meaning a notice of a lawsuit) and official governmental notices.
ICS registers your company for you, including entity formation, operating agreement template, EIN number and more
LLC Filings
Corporation Filings
Profit & Non-Profit
Articles of Formation
EIN Registration w/IRS
Entity Operating Agreement Template
Mail Forwarding & Scan to Email
Does not include mail handling or postage fees
Document Storage
Nationwide Set-up
Fast & Affordable
Annual Renewal Reminders
Federal Tax Reminders |
State Tax Reminders | |